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  Children's Studio Classes
1630 General Booth Blvd. Suite #106




  Because we believe in well rounded dancers and that children should experience different genres of dance, we offer combination classes for all ages!  


Ballet/Tap Combo  

These classes are either 55 minutes or 70 minutes.  Girls will need pink ballet slippers and black tap shoes. Leotard and tights are highly recommended.   Loose comfortable clothing, tennis shoes (or black ballet slippers) and black tap shoes are recommended for the boys.  Classes are for ages 3 and above!  (3 year olds must be potty trained.)


Jazz/Hip Hop Combo  

These classes are 55 minutes.  Students will need tan jazz shoes.  Students may wear loose comfortable clothing or leotard and tights. 



These classes are 55 minutes. (Rates are slightly higher due to the extra instructors needed to provide spotting and one on one instruction.)Unitards are highly recommended for the girls.  Boys may wear loose comfortable clothing.  Students can go barefooot or wear ballet slippers.  No socks or tights please.


 Dance With Me

These classes are 40 minutes for students 2-3 years old.  A parent or caregiver participates with the dancer. Loose comfortable clothing is suggested.  There are no shoe requirements. 


 Creative Stage Workshop

These classes are 55 minutes.   Through games, song, creative movement and imaginative play students will explore different acting techniques such as improv, puppetry, pantomime, and storytelling!  


Policies and Pricing

Dance tuition is based on the length of the class. (See rates below.) Tumbling and Creative Stage Workshop classes have separate rates.  A 10 percent discount is offered off the total tuition for families with multiple classes. There is an annual registration fee of $30 per family.  The registration fee and first month's tuition will hold your dancer's place in the class.  After that, there are 8 monthly payments due on the first of the month. (October- May)   A $20 late fee will be applied after the 5th of the month.  Monthly tuition will remain the same throughout the year regardless of the number of weeks in the month.  The tuition is based on an average of classes from September through May.  (For students that start in September.  For students that start after the first class, tuition will be adjusted accordingly that month.)


There is no yearly commitment, however we require 30 days notice if withdrawing from a class.  (Example: If you notify us November 15 that you would like to withdraw your dancer, you are still responsible for December.)


Autopay setup is required at the time of registration.  If you choose not to use autopay, please contact us with the understanding that your card will remain on file and charged if payment is not made by the 5th of the month.


In most cases, Dance Makers follows the Virginia Beach City Public Schools calendar.  We also follow their inclement weather policy.  If schools are closed for any reason, (health concerns , safety, etc.) dance class is not being held.  Tuition is not prorated and there are no make-up classes at the school.  You are welcome to make arrangements for makeups at the studio upon availability.    


Studio Scheduled Closures


October 31st-  Halloween

November 27th- 30th  Thanksgiving Break

December 23rd- January 4th  Winter/Holiday Break

April 14th- 19th  Spring Break

May 26th  Memorial Day 



We will do a  holiday showcase and a small, hassle free end of year recital.  The holiday showcase will be held at the studio.  The recital venue will be announced by mid fall.   There will be a non-refundable recital/costume fee down payment of $75- $100 due October/November. The 2nd payment/balance will be due late winter/early spring.  (Usually around $75- $100  depending on our venue.) This includes your child's costume, tights, accessories, our holiday showcase, recital t-shirt, recital venue, digital video and more!  It is our goal to keep our performances simple,  stress free, and budget friendly!


Class Monthly Rates 


40 minutes    $45

55 minutes     $58

70 minutes     $68

55 minute Tumbling and Creative Stage Workshop Classes are $60. 




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